wAsSuP yAlL'z tO mAh bERrie OwN hOmEpagE..eNjOy!
~*aRi*jOoLie~CHO~*aRi*JoOlIe~ChO~* hi wussup yAllz itz just me tO tell yAllz abOut me....
And um..Ah knOw dA HP iz kindA emptie...but...dun gO yet...Okie..wellz....derz sum stuffz AbOut me On dA bOttOm...sO read it....bAi bAi!!~!~

<~~~~~~~~~~das me mAn!~!~
ah lOoK OLD..T_T...
hehe~!~ Okiez~!!~
im sOrRie diz pAge iz All moOshed Up in One..bUt diz hOmEpage mAkerz thingie givez lil' space..oOoOoO..sORRie Once agAin And um...hehe..BAi bAi!~!~!~
wUssuP WuSsUP~!~ deSe aRe Sum sHitZ BoUtz me so!~!~ rEAd it!! okiez...
mAh naME IZ......WRIttEN alL ovA dA pLaCE!~!~ keke..
-iM Frum gUaM..WHICh is eVErieWHEre toO~!~

-im 14 yEaRz OlD bOrN iN 1/14/1985....Ah Was BoRN oN GuAM AND rAISed at kOrEA ANd cAME BACK to guAM~& Ah Am A fResHiE At GWHS!
-im 5'7" iNCheZ (17o Cmz)
PoUndz (45 KIlOz)
-lOnG bROwN hAiR UP To WaisT
-BrownISh eyeZ
and ah lYk AlTeRNATiVe MoOsiC ALOT!!! ( kOrN ROx man!~!~) hehe uM..WelLZ Im vErie VeRIE HypA ALl dA tYM!~!~ & Ah dRInk & SMoke! BuT im sTIlLA GoOD GuRL!~!~ AH DuN DO DrUgz! At ALl.... das LyK abOut me!~~! OOO anD if YU MEeT ME AT YAHoO CHAt..saY hI tO me (kP_Qt_1oO4)...mAH icq NUmbA IZ 30552892 So ADD ME if yu lYk...HM...WeLLZ!! ADuN fORgET tO WritE To me!!!!! baI BAi!~!~DeRz A LiL' mO on dA BOtTOm!!! PeaCE OUtz!~!~!~ ^_____^ 10Q FeR VISitiN mAh pAgE!!

~*dA GuAm bOmB bABiE!!~~*
~*AsIaN PRyDe To Da FuLlest*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* dEsE ARe JuST SUm jOkEx..dUn TAke It

Yu KnOe iF uR AsiAN Or nOt iF....

1. yu carrie a pager in ur rite pocket, flipped inward, whether itz activated or not.

2. ur vocabularie consistz of "PIMP" "MACK"
"WACK" and as much as yu can remember frum ur ebonix dictionarie

3. yu go to asian partiez, and yu cant find ur car since it loox lyk everie oda civic or integra

4. yu can neva address a fren witout callin dem "FOO"

5. yu use da "Z" in everie oda word when chattin

6. ur gurlfren has enuff makeup to be accepted into clown college

7. yu pick up chix who wear shoez 2inchez away frum stiltz

8. yu call peepoz "PEEPZ" since two syllablez are too complex fer yu.

9. yu dunno citie namez..onlee der area codez

10.ur not a basketball player...ur a baller

11. yu hab neva bought a pair of pantz dat were less den 5 sizez bigger den ur waist

12. yu claim asian pryde whereva yu go..when all ur doin iz shamin da race.

13. yu ask ur parentz fer ONE math problem..and two hourz later...their still lecturin

14. yu hab a 40lb bag of rice in ur pantrie

15. everyone thinx ur CHINESE no matter wut part of asia ur frum

16. yuve had a BOWL haircut at one point in ur lifetym

17. ur parentz enjoy comparin yu to oda frenz

18.yu had to eat partz of animal dey dun even put in hot dog

19. pilez of shoez make it hard to open da front back or closet doorz

20. yu hear (ur name + eee( optional) + yah) everie tym sumone callz yu

21. yu have NO eyelashez

22. the bio lecturez on marine life (seaweed, sea cucumberz, octous) was last nitez dinner

23.everyone thinx ur good at math

24. ur parentz insist yu marrie ur own race

25." yu want a stereo?! when ah was ur age ah didnt even hab shoez!!"

26. yu have to call just about all ur parentz frenz "auntie" and "uncle"

27. yu hab 10+ unclez and auntiez

28. yu will most likely be taller den ur parentz

29. yu get nuthin if yu do good in scool...but get crapped if yu dun

30. da furniture in ur house neva matchez da wallpaper, da carpet, da decorationz or anie of da rest of da furniturez

31. yu by soy sauce by da gallon

32. ur familie ownz butcher knivez bigger den ur head

33. ur racist


1. own a cell

2. have onlie asian frenz

3. speak onlie asian languagez

4. if ur a gurl..BE SURE TO STUFF UR BRA

5. if ur a guy.. BE SURE TO SOUP UP UR ACURA
6. be racist

7. smoke even if yu dunno how...especiallie wid ur frenz

8.dance in circlez at parties

anything about it

9. make ur parentz be a doctor...or better yet..grocery store ownerz

10. date sumone dat ur fren has alreadie dated

11.if ur a guy..make sure ur hair loox lyk a circumsized cock

12. if ur a gurl..make sure yu hab strandz of red or orange highlitez..known to me "COOL"

13.if ur a gurl..weigh no more den 75 poundz

14. if ur a korean gurl make sure yu hab eye surgerie so yu can look lyk a goldfish

15. two werdz: MANHATTAN PORTAGE 16. be verie good at pool. own a cue stick if yu can, even if yu dunno anythin about it.

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[email protected]

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